Dementia is a progressive and persistent syndrome of the mental functions caused by brain disease or an injury and indicated by memory impairment, personality changes, difficulty with communication, and impaired judging and reasoning. Dementia is also said to be a collection of symptoms that occur because of various possible diseases. Respite Care Mesa Arizona specialists suggest extensive care if any of the below mentioned symptoms is detected in your senior loved ones to help seniors prevent it from progressing and maintaining good cognitive functions.
Symptoms of Early Dementia
If your aging loved one has memory problems, don’t instantly decide that it is dementia. People with dementia must show at least any two symptoms that mainly interfere with daily life to get a dementia diagnosis.If your loved one face difficulty remembering, they are also likely to face impairments in language, communication, focus, and reasoning.
1. Slight Short Term Memory Changes
Difficulty remembering can be an early dementia symptom. The changes are subtle and are likely to involve short term memory. An older adult may sometimes remember incidents that happened years ago but won’t be able to remember what they had for breakfast or totally forget that they even had a breakfast.Several other symptoms of shifting short term memory are; difficulty remembering the reason of entering a particular room, forgetting where they left something, or forgetting an important task on any given day or time. They sometimes may remember that they have to do something but forget that what they were supposed to do.
2. Difficulty Speech
Struggling to communicate effectively is another early symptom of dementia. They may face problems when trying to explain something or finding the right words to express their feelings or thoughts. Communicating to a senior with dementia can be difficult and may take more than usual to determine.3. Mood Changes
A constantly changing mood is also commonly found in seniors with dementia. It can be very challenging to recognize your loved one with such sudden mood changing and even be difficult to managing such situations and preserving their emotions as well. Depression is also very common in early dementia.Personality shift is also found along with mood changes. Generally, personality changes in seniors with dementia can be seen as a shift from being shy to confident and outgoing. This condition often affects judgment.
4. Apathy
Apathy, or listlessness or lack of concern, typically occurs in early dementia. A senior with this symptom may lose interest in hobbies and activities. They may resist going out or doing anything enjoyable. They tend to lose interest in spending time with loved ones and may sometimes seem emotion less.These are 4 of the most common symptoms of early dementia. You must look out for these symptoms and immediately consult a doctor for proper treatment and also consider reaching out to a well known Home Care Services Mesa Arizona solution provider to allow your loved one feel encouraged to maintain good quality of life while aging in place in golden years.Dementia is a progressive and persistent syndrome of the mental functions caused by brain disease or an injury and indicated by memory impairment, personality changes, difficulty with communication, and impaired judging and reasoning. Dementia is also said to be a collection of symptoms that occur because of various possible diseases. Respite Care Mesa Arizona specialists suggest extensive care if any of the below mentioned symptoms is detected in your senior loved ones to help seniors prevent it from progressing and maintaining good cognitive functions.
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