Hair Care for the Elderly

Whether it is someone young or old, male or female, everyone is conscious about their hair. As we grow old, it affects our hair as much as it affects the rest of our body. There are different factors which produce these changes in the hair of senior adults.
  • Genes: If one of the parents’ hairs thinned when they aged, then chances are that it would happen to their children too.
  • Medication: Different types of medication, especially some that are prescribed for blood pressure or heart conditions can also lead to loss of hair.
  • Pre-Menopause and Menopause: Women may go through some hormonal changes during their pre-menopause and menopause, which can also be a major cause of hair fall.

Healthy Body – Healthy Mane

A healthy and fit body means healthy hair. The elderly can also have healthy, strong hair if their food intake is healthy. Respite home care services put a great emphasis on overall healthy lifestyle for the senior adults in their care. A healthy diet should consist of fruits and vegetables. Smooth, strong, shiny hair also requires sebum which can be found in foods high in vitamin A and C. Chicken and fish are an amazing source of low fat protein which prevents the hair from becoming rough and brittle. With a doctor’s advice, nutritional supplements like Vitamin E, fish oil, biotin, and evening primrose can also be given to the elderly for growth and care of hair.

Care Regime for Elderly Hair

It is possible to prevent the hair from damage if proper care is given to your elderly loved one’s hair. Respite home care, provided by Homecare Assistance ensures that their elderly charges many not have to suffer any damage at all.
  • If hairs are not trimmed regularly, it could cause split ends.
  • For the seniors, a regular haircut can also make a lot of difference and prevent it from getting damaged.
  • Make sure, your elderly charge does not use a very strong shampoo. A very mild shampoo would work fine with them.
  • The elderly should avoid hair products; especially they shouldn’t use hair dryers as it would cause a lot of irreversible damage to the hair.
  • It is essential that when a senior goes out, his or her head is covered or at least the hair has been protected by the right kind of hair products to protect hair from the harsh sun rays.
  • Oiling the hair regularly can also keep the scalp hydrated and prevent hair damage.
All in all, it is extremely important to take care of the hair of the elderly just like the rest of the body. Giving proper hair care can be difficult for family members all the time. Moreover, if the elderly are unable to go to the barber’s shop, arrange for someone who can provide the service at home. However, if they are dexterous enough to go, then avail this opportunity. Caregivers appointed to give respite home care can also arrange these appointments along with assistance and help with other household chores.

Author Bio:

John Snow has spent his life helping people lead more fulfilling lives. Most recently, he has been associated with Home CareAssistance of Mesa. He is happy to accomplish his passion for improving the lives of seniors through the written word.
